Saturday, November 24, 2007
CNN/YouTube Republican Debate: Giuliani 9/11 Question
Giuliani claims, "American foreign policy had nothing to do with the September 11th. September 11th happened because these people who hate us, hate us because of the freedoms that we have." Giuliani is lying to us.
Mr. Giuliani, how can you lie
to the American people about
why we were attacked on 9/11
and lie about why we're still
at risk of being attacked again?
Talking About Neoconservatism

Read the article, Thinking About Neoconservatism
Michael Lind has called attention to the neoconservatives’ “odd bursts of ideological enthusiasm for ‘democracy’”— odd because these calls for democracy and freedom throughout the Middle East are also coupled with support for the Likud Party and other like-minded groups in Israel that are driven by a vision of an ethnocentric, expansionist Israel that, to outside observers at least, bears an unmistakable (albeit unmentionable) resemblance to apartheid South Africa."
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Ed Royce Spews Israel Lobby Line on Iran
Ed Royce Spews Israel Lobby Line on Iran
"There's a deep schizophrenia in some of the Jewish community, and people who are at the forefront of every single rights issue, from racial justice in the United States to the ethnic cleansing in Darfur--on Israel, it crumbles, and there is all this hand-wringing," says Sarahleah Whitson of Human Rights Watch. "And everyone [who is critical] is successfully marginalized."- Israel Lobby Watch