The Transparent Cabal: The Neoconservative Agenda, War in the Middle East, and the National Interest of Israel - See Video
Get the book The Transparent Cabal"Sniegoski leaves no stone unturned in exposing the Israeli-neocon alliance and its catastrophic consequences in the Middle East." - Jonathan Cook
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"JINSA is the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, a hawkish think tank that supported the Iraq war." -
The Jewish Daily Forward A War for Israel? Colin Powell seems to think so.On no issue is the JINSA/CSP hard line more evident than in its relentless campaign for war -- not just with Iraq, but "total war," as Michael Ledeen, one of the most influential JINSAns in Washington, put it last year. For this crew, "regime change" by any means necessary in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority is an urgent imperative. Anyone who dissents -- be it Colin Powell's State Department, the CIA or career military officers -- is committing heresy against articles of faith that effectively hold there is no difference between US and Israeli national security interests, and that the only way to assure continued safety and prosperity for both countries is through hegemony in the Middle East -- a hegemony achieved with the traditional cold war recipe of feints, force, clientism and covert action." -
Coming Soon: "Total War" On the Middle East"There are some in military and intelligence circles who have taken to using "axis of evil" in reference to JINSA and CSP, along with venerable repositories of hawkish thinking like the American Enterprise Institute and the Hudson Institute, as well as defense contractors, conservative foundations and public relations entities underwritten by far-right American Zionists (all of which help to underwrite JINSA and CSP). -
The Men From JINSA and CSP"IN THE AFTERMATH of 11 September, the neo-conservative right consolidated a dominant position in the Bush administration. While pushing through their military-strategic agenda, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz have also exerted a decisive influence over US foreign policy, sidelining Colin Powell and the State Department. ...
Reflecting JINSA's position that "there is no Israeli occupation", Rumsfeld (at a Pentagon open discussion on 6 August) repeatedly referred to the "so-called Occupied Territories". The Israelis, he commented, were merely "making some settlements in various parts of the so-called occupied area."
"JINSA and CSP are overlapping bodies, funded by a network of conservative foundations and public relations entities underwritten by far-right American Zionist organisations, together with money from defence contractors such as Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Alliant Tech Systems, Boeing, Ball Aerospace and Technologies, and Hewlett Packard (who supply missile-defence computer systems). (Jason Vest, The Men From JINSA and CSP, The Nation, 2-9 September 2002)" -
The fundamentalists in the White House 
"JINSA is the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, a hawkish think tank that supported the Iraq war. Thomas Neumann, Jinsa’s executive director, said he was not offended by Powell’s reference, although he was surprised that the former secretary of state would single out a Jewish group when naming those who supported the war. '
I am not accusing Powell of anything, but these are words that the antisemites will use in the future,' Neumann said." -
The Jewish Daily Forward, Groups Fear Public Backlash Over Iran