Thursday, October 23, 2008

Colin Powell is a Hypocrite

Colin Powell is a Hypocrite
see video
"If you look at what Colin Powell said in Washington Post editor Karen DeYoung's biographical book about him. She had said that Colin Powell had conveyed to her that the "JINSA crowd," the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, which Dick Cheney is associated with, is in control of the Pentagon and pushed us into Iraq and now is doing similar to get us to attack Iran." * see Scott McClellan Questioned about Neocon Push for Iraq War

See what Powell did at the UN:

Republican Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska is on trial for making false statements by failing to disclose "things of value" he received from Veco Corp. A federal grand jury indicted him on 7 felony counts of making false statements by filing false financial forms.

Why does Sen. Stevens and Sen. Obama think Colin Powell helps them given the fact that Powell misrepresented key testimony in order to sell an illegal war?

"JINSA is the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, a hawkish think tank that supported the Iraq war. Thomas Neumann, Jinsa’s executive director, said he was not offended by Powell’s reference, although he was surprised that the former secretary of state would single out a Jewish group when naming those who supported the war. 'I am not accusing Powell of anything, but these are words that the antisemites will use in the future,' Neumann said." - The Jewish Daily Forward, Groups Fear Public Backlash Over Iran

"The Republican is charged with seven felony counts of making false statements by filing false financial forms related to more than $250,000 in renovations to his family's Alaska home. The alleged offenses occurred roughly between 2000 and 2007."

"The federal government charges that the 84-year-old Republican accepted and concealed more than $250,000 worth of free home renovations and gifts from Bill Allen, the head of Veco Corp., a now-defunct oil-services company, and other friends. Prosecutors argued that Sen. Stevens willfully chose not to report the alleged gifts on Senate financial disclosure forms."

Friday, October 3, 2008