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The "JINSA crowd" is control of the Pentagon. The Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, it pushed us into Iraq and it's doing the same to get us to attack Iran.
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More Mainstream Voices Use 'Cabal' to Describe Neocons
The Transparent Cabal
Why would top neocons deceive us into a war with Iraq? You can read about "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" which reveals that attacking Iraq was an agenda long before the 9/11 attacks which they dishonestly used as an excuse for the Iraq war.
Read James Bamford, in his book A Pretext for War.
See this link for the other books and to read more information about Neocons and the wars in the Middle East: Scott McClellan Questioned about Neocon Push for Iraq War
Read Jefferson Davis's comment to Cowboy